Gisteren om 9 uur 's ochtends stond de man voor de deur die ons laatste meubelstuk kwam ophalen: het logeerbed. En daarmee was het huis leeg, op de stapel tassen en meuk die we op onze reis gaan meesjouwen na.
Yesterday at 9 in the morning a guy came to pick up our last piece of furniture: the guest bed. And then the house was empty, except for the bags and miscellaneous stuff we are bringing with us for this trip.
After that we spent some time cleaning the house and packing the car, but then we couldn't put it of any longer: it was time to go! Good bye house! Good bye street! Good bye Cambridge!
The trip started out great. And then we got a ticket for speeding. And then I got a migraine. But luckily it didn't take too long (only 6 1/2 hours) to get to Riccardo's beautiful place in Rochester. And the weather is lovely, so today we are going to the beach!